Our amenities include two tennis courts, two half court basketball courts, two playgrounds, a playground shelter and large common area greenways.
I-66 Berm Replanting: significant work will begin shortly for a comprehensive replant and overhaul of the berm. Work to clear the berm will begin the week of September 16 followed by multiple herbicide applications to ensure removal of invasive vines. Planting is expected to being the week of October 28. All work is weather permitting. Please be mindful of ongoing work.
Planting of New Trees at Grovemore Entrance: to replace trees that had to be removed due to age or disease. Date of work pending.
Installation of New Common Area Trash Cans: old trash cans will be removed and new cans installed. Date of work pending.
Repair of Retaining Wall Behind Grovemore Lane: planned for late October/early November.
The 2024 board meeting dates are as follows: January 22, March 11 (cancelled), April 25, June 10, July 22, September 9, October 21, and December 9.
For now, these meetings are planned as virtual via Zoom and connection details can be found in the Calendar section. The board is looking at opportunities to meet in person and will alert the community to any changes in dates and/or locations.